Monday, January 30, 2012

A New Year

If you are reading this, then great job! You have just taken the first step towards an opportunity to not only learn more about what we are going over in class, but also a chance to earn some extra credit! As I have explained in class, there will be a new post every Friday with a different type of problem corresponding to what we will be covering that week. Inside each post I hope to give you a different perspective or at the very least a practical way to apply what you will be learning.

The due date for these problems will be posted at the bottom of each post. Hand them in to me on a piece of paper, or send me an email with a .doc attached containing your work. Whatever you need to do in order for me to have a copy so I can look at your work (yes, you MUST show your work if you hope to receive even ONE point).

Don't worry, I promise you my class will not be this difficult. I cannot stress this enough: if you have any questions about my class, LET ME KNOW!!!

This week's goal:
  • For you to give me a small list of songs and/or movies (youtube videos are welcomed) that you enjoy (this will also be my confirmation that shows you have been to this page).
        I like to make the class environment a little more casual, and as you saw this week in class one way for me to do so is by integrating music and video clips into my lectures. As much as I like to think I am up with the times, there are things that slip by me. This is where you come in!
        I am only looking for roughly 3-5 items per student, and if I happen to pick your entry then I will also be sure to include your name while presenting it!
        For example:
        * Keep in mind that as a teacher I am not allowed to present anything vulgar, obscene, or just plain foul. If you put a song/video clip on your list that fails to meet these criteria, then it will automatically be denied.
Due date:
    • Turning in the list of songs/video clips
        • Due by next Friday.
        • 1 point for each song/video I decide to share in class!

*All points are extra credit, so there is nothing to lose but all to gain!