Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week 13: Basic Constructions

Welcome back to our weekly routine! I hope you were all able to enjoy your break from school, and get a chance to relax. To refresh your memories, the last blog post was assigned in order to prepare you for what we started covering this week: basic constructions. It is very important everyone has a firm grasp on the basic skills of construction, so for this week's assignment we will be practicing these skills.

In order to earn credit, you must give at least two separate diagrams for each of these techniques:

Also, for me to believe you used the methods we covered,
leave your tick marks as shown in this awesome example:

Remember...practice makes perfect! And as always, feel free to throw any questions my way.

This week's goal:
  • Develop construction skills to be used in future lessons.
Due dates:
  • Turn in the drawings next Friday. Make sure they are all stapled together this time!

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