Friday, April 6, 2012

Week 3: Perimeters and Areas

I hope everyone was able to perform well on Friday's test, as it was mostly review. Now that we are caught up and I have a more comfortable feel of where the class is at, let us get an early start on what is next.

Next week I want to cover how to find the perimeters and areas of polygons. Here is a link that will help you review some area formulas you should already have learned from earlier classes. After reviewing these basic equations, examine the formulas found in this link. This week's extra credit assignment is to explain why the formula to find the area of a regular polygon works (in other words: prove the equation).

Here is a hint:

Not only is this a precursor to our next week in class, but this assignment will also help you get some experience in making proofs. I understand that some of you have no experience whatsoever, and that is okay. I expect these assignments to gradually challenge you more throughout the year.

This week's goal:
  • Construct a proof for the area of a regular polygon
  • Familiarize self with equations for finding areas of different polygons
    • Focus on quadrilaterals and triangles (for now)
Due date:
  • The proof will be due on the next test day, which will be announced later in class

Remember, I am always willing to answer any questions!

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