Wednesday, August 8, 2012

Week 12: After Midterms

Most of you did really well on the midterm. As I explained at the beginning of the year, the final exam will be cumulative. In class we were able to review the midterm questions, and walked through a couple of problems that were frequently missed. If you are unsure of how you are doing thus far in my class, then take a look into using this grade tracker to measure how you have been progressing. Sites like this will be useful in future classes, as some teachers will not keep you updated on your grade status.

For this week's assignment, I want to connect some concepts we've learned in order to prepare you for our next week of class. As I briefly explained in class, transformations can be used to create a congruent shape from a preexisting shape. Use these basic ideas of transformation in order to create (or construct) a congruent figure. Feel free to use any non-regular polygon as your initial shape.

This is a reflection of a non-regular pentagonal polygon.
Try to come up with at least eight other examples that will produce a congruent shape.

This week's goal:
  • Practice creating congruent figures.
  • Problem solve in order to figure out how to produce a congruent figure.

Due dates:
  • Eight examples of polygons with congruent transformations will be due the week we come back from break.

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