Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Week 5: Volumes, Part I

Alright, so it seems we are starting to have some issues with the material in class. I know we are entering new territory, and I urge you to keep up with the work. If at any point you are confused or have questions, then let me know. I would rather have everyone understand what is going on before we start a new subject.

In class we covered the basic equations for finding the volumes of regular three dimensional objects. To save time and energy from digging through your notes, use this link to review the formulas we discussed in class. The assignment for this week is simple enough. Find at least eight popular landmarks, identify their geometric shape, and give the formula needed to find their volumes.

 Here are some examples of popular landmarks (in order from left to right and top-bottom): Eiffel Tower, Roman Colosseum, Big Ben, Great Pyramids, the Statue of Liberty, and the Taj Mahal.

If you are having any trouble thinking of some landmarks, then check out this list of popular landmarks across the world. And as always, if you ever need any help, then you are more than welcome to contact me!

This week's goal:
  • Be able to recognize three dimensional shapes in various objects
  • Connect formulas with volumes to various polyhedrons
Due Date:
  • The eight landmarks with identification of shape and corresponding formulas will be due by the next test, which will be on the Friday two weeks from now.

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