Thursday, August 9, 2012

Week 16: Using Geometry Outside of Class - Part I

All this week we have been covering ways Geometry has been used in everyday life, and even in other styles of mathematics. I understand that some of these styles of math are going to be in future classes, but if you are able to get a taste in the here and now, it should prepare you for what lies ahead. This week's assignment will challenge your ability to think using what I've taught you in Geometry, and show you that it is possible to use  outside of class. Feel free to read through this article that outlines the details behind the development and understanding of Geometry.

The assignment is simple. Find three school subjects that are not in the same field of study (eg: you cannot have two or all three of your examples be science courses), and find a way in which Geometry either is used or has helped develop the subject (for example, check out MC Escher's work to see many examples of how Geometry can be used in art). Write down what you found in each subject, and explain how Geometry was used. I'm not looking for lengthy findings, so whatever you feel is adequate for explaining your findings will work for me.

This here is one of my favorite examples of Geometric patterns found in art.

In order for you to take some time to appreciate and enjoy this assignment, it will not be due until the day of the final exam. And as always, if there any questions then feel free to ask me or a student!

This week's goal:
  • Discover ways Geometry is used in various parts of life.
Due dates:
  • The three explanations are due the day of the final exam.

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