Thursday, August 9, 2012

Week 15: Advanced Constructions Part II

Congratulations, you have finally made it through constructions! I know we have been covering this for almost a month's time, so next week we will be diving into a whole separate topic, which I will leave to be a surprise. As for this week, it was basically a continuation of what we have been digging into with constructions. Go ahead and take a look at Advanced Constructions Part I as well as Basic Constructions, so you can be prepared to tackle this week's assignment.

This assignment is very similar to what we did last week, but a bit more challenging. I want you to construct these two images:

                       Hexagon Inscribed in Circle                              Five Point Star

If you want a hint, take a look at the properties of hexagons and pentagons. If you need any further help, then come talk to me in class.

This week's goal:
  • Test our understanding of constructions
  • Refresh properties of hexagons and pentagons
Due dates:
  • Both drawings are due next Friday. We will also be having our last test on Friday.

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